Dave Seida grew up hunting throughout the seasons and varied landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. A genuine outdoorsman, he cultivated a bounty of abilities from the deep roots of his multi-generational logging and ranching family.
While skilled in all hunting disciplines, Seida is an exceptionally accomplished bow hunter with four Pope and Young records, several national upper book mule deer. And an impressive antelope rifle buck that scored 80 4/8 Net (Boone and Crockett). His first hunting competition was a locally renowned big buck contest. Organizers and fellow hunters alike laughed when Seida brought his bow to what was historically a rifle-hunting competition. They didn’t laugh when he won. His trophy buck ranked 18th in the world that year at 194 6/8Gross (Safari Club International). Two years later, he ranked 31st in the world with a buck that scored 178 Typical (SCI).
The tremendous sense of accomplishment that came with winning that first contest inspired Seida to seek a way to share the experience and motivated him to create North American Hunting Competition. Much more than a tournament, North American provides a variety of opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to come together as a community to celebrate and recognize achievement in hunting, fishing, and photography. Today, Seida travels the U.S. and abroad promoting both North American and wildlife conservation while still spending ample time hunting, fishing, and enjoying the outdoors with family and friends.